Woo! Had lots of fun last night! Thank you Jean for organizing it and aunty Fei Lee for allowing us to use her house for this party =D. Sorry I don't have any pics for this XP hahaha.
Well, I was the earliest to get there as I lived so nearby XD. So yeah my mum cooked some tom yam meehoon for the party. Thanks mum! hehehe. So when I got there, Jean and her family also just reached back from some shopping lolx. So I helped out a little to prepare for the party.
There was quite a lot of food actually haha. Well, there were nuggets, french fries, coleslaw, mushroom soup, fruit salad, some garlic bread (had to be toasted) to dip into the soup =D, limited edition meatballs and of course my mum's meehoon =O. Well, the drinks was nice as well.
The party was supposed to start at 5 p.m. But since some people couldn't make it that early, it was changed to 6 p.m. At about 6.10 p.m, we had some worship and carols then we went for makan. Wow, when I wanted to take the meehoon it was mostly gone. So I didn't take it cause I could eat it at home =), let other people try it hehehe. Some old seniors and some of the form 5's came later like after we ate haha.
Here comes the fun part, we played a game just to keep us occupied while they were getting ready to prank the form 5's as we do every year haha. They did this, they blindfolded the form 5's and had someone to hold cut banana's and then was told a story about this person that was in World War 2 before and had lost his arms, his legs, and even lost his eyes =O. And they made the form 5's touch the parts and poke into the eyeholes (which was the bananas) haha. Just to scare them =P. There is a video which I think Marcus has it =).
Then we had some sharing session from the form 5's and they were given gifts as something to remember us by and as a token of appreciation. The best part was the fellowship we had after that, where we all chatted away talking about all kinds of stuff. We still continued taking drinks also hahaha =D and we had some candy. O.o
Once again, a party always has to end. Some people went back earlier but in the end all of us also left as it was also getting late =). So we do hope to see you form 5's coming back to CF once in awhile if possible. We will miss you all!
May God Bless,