Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Hillsongs - Did You Feel The Mountains Tremble
Did you feel the mountains tremble?
Did you hear the oceans roar?
When the people rose to sing of Jesus Christ the risen one.
Did you feel the people tremble?
Did you hear the singers roar?
When the lost began to sing of Jesus Christ the saving one.
And we can see that God you're moving
A mighty river through the nations
And young and old will turn to Jesus
Fling wide you heavenly gates
Prepare the way of the risen Lord
Open up the doors and let the music play
Let the streets resound with singing
Songs that bring your hope
Songs that bring your joy
Dancers who dance upon injustice.
Do you feel the darkness tremble?
When all the saints join in one song.
And all the streams flow as one river
To wash away our brokenness.
And we can see that God you're moving.
A mighty river through the nations
When young and old return to Jesus
Fling wide you heavenly gates.
Prepare the way of the risen Lord
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
An Unexpected Day
Hello people! I think this one is going to be a long post ;D.
It was just yesterday... Again I'm late to post but I was waiting for the pictures anyways XP... it was just uploaded not long ago... Seriously, yesterday was very unexpected haha... It was sort of a reunion with two of my primary school friends and their Catholic friends haha... So yeah we met up at Mid Valley... The first plan of the day was to watch 'Green Hornet' and guess what time I slept the day before lol.... I slept veryyy early! At 5.30 a.m yesterday... awesome right? hahaha...
In the end, I was actually late for the movie... my friend miss called me a few times.. I dunno how many at 10.30a.m... I only heard a call from my phone at about 10.45a.m @.@... I'm so sorry Kristy for the trouble >.<. Crap man... when I saw the time... I seriously jumped out of my bed haha... Quickly I rushed to the toilet to wash up and changed etc... >.<.. I was supposed to take the LRT to Bangsar and then a bus to Mid Valley but I was late so I took a cab instead >.<.. I didn't even take a drink or anything for breakfast lolx =/.. was rushing >.<... and I really thank Kristy for coming out to pass me the ticket to enter the movie >.<... Friends.. they're great =P.
Before I sat down, I saw a familiar face in the group there but for that moment I ignored and watched the movie haha =P. Green Hornet was awesome la... hilarious =P.. should watch ;D. After the movie, we all loitered outside the cinema for awhile... chatting haha... obviously I was kinda like the odd one out as they were all Catholic High School people >.<. Then I looked at that girl again... and I told my friend, Jing Sheng, "She looks very familiar, like met somewhere many years ago." I was seriously trying to figure out who but I couldn't just yet =P. So we all walked out of the place as it was quite cold also >.<... went to the 'Noodle Station' to makan haha.
There, I met a new friend! Sukesh! He's a cool guy really haha ;D. Then some girls in the group went to get some A-cash leaving 1 more sitting there alone... total in the group had 4 girls haha... Kristy was sitting beside me and I was sitting beside Jing Sheng =P. So since that side was so quiet... She came and shared a seat with Sukesh... This is the time... where it was totally soooooo unexpected... I started with "You seriously look very familiar...uh your name?" Her: "Rachel.... Wong" Me: "Were you like in Sungai Way last time?" She replied, "I used to live in Sungai Way... Jason?" Then we both went like OMG... and started to become slightly hysterical... I wonder whether is that the right word to use... lol =P.
But it was like... seriously... Omg... 10 over years we have lost contact and suddenly we met in this Reunion... wasn't even expecting to see Rachel Wong, my old Sunday School friend there... that day... in Mid Valley @.@. I still remember the time we spent in Sunday School.. same class... it was fun haha... but then she had to move to Puchong around Standard 2 if I'm not wrong... Then... really walao... sooooooo unexpected I also cannot believe it's her hahaha >.<. Really la, God works in mysterious ways... we both believe it was God's plan for us to meet again after so many years haha =).
Here is some pics during and after lunch haha =D. All the pics are taken by Rachel lol =P.
Haha.. I think that's all ba... There are still more la actually =P.. but some not that nice lol =D... End of our retardedness for the day =P... That's all for this post... Dam it's long >.<
Logging off,
Teen's Club Opening 2011! =D
Moving on, Teens starts at 11.30a.m this year hahaha.. cause of certain stuff.. lazy to explain =P. I didn't expect to see so many newcomers haha. Well, some of them were from the combined camp we had last year. INTRANSIT!! WOO =D. Awesome camp =P. Nice to see them again though.
Opening Sunday of Teens eh? haha... Well, like every year we had games =D. It was organized by Jean and Jayne =). Thanks a lot haha and great planning =). Hmm... well, we all sat in a circle in the beginning and yea as usual... instructed to introduce ourselves XP.
Gah, I feel so lazy lol.. to type so much =P... anyways I guess you all should know lar... The most interesting game for me was the balloon tower haha. We had like a number of groups.. each group had to select a leader while the others had to be blindfolded. I was one of them >.<. I seriously don't like to be blindfolded weh... I wanna be independant!! lol jk.. haha.. Have to depend on others sometimes also =). My group's balloon tower was reaaaaaaaallllyyyy creative hahahaha =P.
Later, we had the theme of Teen's Club this year and explanation etc... I enjoyed myself though haha... Although I didn't really wanna join in the games >.< =P. That's all I guess? haha.. wow.. 3 posts already... here comes one more last post for today haha =/.
Jason =D
Anyways, I had an appointment with the dentist at 4p.m in the afternoon... Yeah I had to check up on my braces as on last Monday... one of the brackets lock opened and the wire came out >.<... so was a little worried la... somemore it made me late for work... lost RM5 sia... haha =P.. The dentist said it's no big deal la... it happens sometimes cause that part of the wire has the most pressure as that tooth has to move the most >.<. It only took about 5 minutes that appointment.. dam fast haha.. feel like quite waste petrol =X.. but oh well...
Mmhmm.. at night there was a dinner though.. free food!! =DDD.. at KGNS.. members dinner but people still brought their children so I went as well haha =P... There weren't that many people but when I got there... the Dim Sum was almost out already.. so fast >.<. Later, Maggie and Grace also came haha XD. Well, lazy to talk about food la =X.. but the lou sang was not that nice to eat >.<.
After that, there was a traditional orchestra.. quite nice la haha... then they had a lion dance @.@... the drums were dam loud weh >.<.. quite annoying... well a little lar =X. Went over to sit at Maggie and Grace's table... then we started talking la... about my braces.. asking questions... also talked about RBS hahaha =D.. got quite a lot of info =P.
Time flies la seriously... the dinner went by fast haha.. it was already close to 9p.m in such a short while lol. I noticed that I've been going out a lot lately... somemore it's not for a few hours like last time when I was schooling.. it's the whole day =O. Oh well, life after SPM haha =P
I'm gone for now,
Crazy day! Seriously...
Anyways... This is about CNY dinner that was last Thurs, on the 10th of Feb.. see... dam long ago right? =P hahaha.. So I was at work as usual... then after work I went to SS2 for dinner with friends haha... altogether got 10 of us... Lemme see... There was Dylan, Brian, Makesh, Min Chen, Marcus, Wei Wei, Adrissa, Kevin Tey, Nicholas Tan and me =D haha... wow.. Can't believe I still can remember...
Well, we ate at some restaurant... I forgot the name... >.<.. We had vegetables, fish, fried rice, crab, prawns and chicken.. I think that's all haha.. but seriously the dinner was quite cheap... all of us only paid like RM23 each for dinner hahaha =D and we all seriously ate quite a lot =P. We were actually like chatting through the whole dinner... lol... well it's good la.. got fellowship at least =D haha. After that, since it was a Thursday and there was the night market.. We decided to walk around the market... to digest the food also =D haha. Walked around like 1 round.. then we went to a field there =O.. I know a few of us had nothing better to do... acted like small kids =P hahaha. We all got bored after awhile and Dylan had to leave... all because of assignments and college the next day >.<.
Oh well... so we all got a little bored already and went to Kayu haha... wood =X. We all ordered drinks and roti tisu haha =D.. yeah.. they're famous for their huge roti tisu. =P.. bleh... skipping lol =X hahaha... we basically talked more la =D.
Later, I went over to Min Chen's place with Kevin and oh wow... I seriously stayed up the whole night.. and I had work that day @.@. Yeap... It was Friday already lol. What was I doing? ohoho.. we watched a cartoon.. 'Despicable Me'.. dam funny weh =D. I was also chatting with an old friend of mine =P.. then after that me and Min Chen played Generals: Shockwave lol... really nothing better to do... quite fun although it's an old game haha.
Crap lor, for some reason I didn't feel sleepy at all... haha =P.. so around 7a.m like that I started walking home with Kev.. Saw school students in cars and buses going to school. Some of them were like already late lol. Hah.. so glad I'm not in school anymore =P... But I do miss the walks in the morning though... dam cold =).
Blah... went home... washed up and got ready for work... went to work.. unwrapping magazines... I was doing it half-asleep weh hahaha... Suddenly was very tired cause the work is also boring >.<.. Anyways, thank God I recovered in the afternoon... wasn't sleepy anymore haha =D. Staying up whole night... seriously.. not a good idea lol >.<.
Crazy la... woke up at about 8.30a.m on Thurs summore.. then stay up more than 24 hours... dam geng weh hahaha... gah.. I guess I've typed enough on this post =P.. haih.. so sad lar no pics... My friends la... never upload one >.< lol
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I'm 18! =D
It all happened yesterday where we were supposed to gather at Jocelyn's house to spend time with our dear friend who's going back to NS... Uh.. who was that again? Oh yea, it was our dear Teng Cheng Ching XD hahaha. Well, it was planned so happen on my birthday yesterday haha =D. Which is a good thing =P. I heard some of them went at about 4.30p.m =O.. but I had to go after work around 6.30p.m >.<. haha.. Nah I wasn't late at all ;D.
Surprise? =D
Well... It was a Sunday morning and we had sunrise worship. =D. Normally for sunrise we'll eat our brunch at church but for this time since it was CNY as well.. Mr. How and his family planned for a feast at their house haha. Just so happen it was also one of my friend's birthday.. Our dear Johanna a.k.a banana's birthday haha =X.
Well, I'm really glad that I can chew again and bite with my front teeth cause there were a lot of good food there and I really wouldn't want to miss good food =P haha. Anyways, there were sandwiches (which you had to make yourself), nasi lemak and the best of all ASAM LAKSA!! haha. I was really sweating eating that... it was soooo spicy XD. It's really a lot of food >.<.
Oh wow, forgot to mention... All of us when we arrived there looked around the house as the house had just been bought and Mr. How and family had just moved in... also one more of the reasons why he invited everyone to the house ;D. It's a realllllllllyyyy nice house. I want one myself to be honest. All the rooms had bathrooms and the toilets are just soooo nice as well haha.
Anyways, I didn't know that Carissa had a cake ready for our birthday girl, Johanna already =O. So yea.. when they took the cake out. I knew it was gonna be a surprise already XP. Wonderful surprise right Hanna? haha. Yeah, she definitely was grateful and really happy =D. Now... THE CAKE!! LOL. I'm not really sure what the cake is called but it's a cheesecake and it had like a coffee flavoured layer of chocolate.. and I'm not really sure about the bottom of the cake.. it's some sort of biscuit haha...
Fuh I tell you.. the cake was REALLY rich in cheese! One bite and you can feel all that cheese melting in your mouth.. the cake was awesomeee! haha.. Really is a must try cake =D... Anyways... since this post is for that day... soo... Happy Belated Birthday, Hanna a.k.a banana =D hahaha. That's the problem with late posts >.<...
Over and out? haha
Friday, February 4, 2011
Well, I found this on tumblr.. But really.. God's love is just so amazing! ;)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Birthday Dinner!
Anyways, last night I really had a great time. Why? I went out for dinner with a number of friends haha... It's one of my friend's birthday see =D. So yeah, her dad treated us to dinner. Really thank you a lot, uncle! haha. Oh and thanks to my friend, Wen Di for inviting me =D.
So all of us met up at Wen Di's house at around 7 p.m haha. After that we went to a Chinese restaurant. =O.. I can't remember what the restaurant's name was >.<. The food was already pre-ordered by her dad. So we just went there and sat down and the food was served =O. Fast eh? =P. Well, her dad sat somewhere else with her grandmother as you know... awkward right if they sat with a group of friends... XP
I tell you.. The food was very well cooked haha... They were all delicious weh XD.. Although I had some trouble cause the food kept getting stuck in my braces >.<. So we joked about and talked while eating and we also took some pictures before and after eating haha =D. Can't wait for them to be uploaded =O. As usual, I was there making up some lame jokes along the way ahahaha.. I guess now I'm known for that.. =P
After the meal, there was cakeeeee and not one cake.. There were 2 types of cake lol >.<. I had like two and a half pieces of cake... wassss soo feelingggg >.<. Well, some of the guys there ate like girls ahahaha >.< =P. No offense yea? =P.. Well, I'm just saying they didn't eat that much.. There were about 5 dishes I think? haha. Well.. the cake.. to be honest... it's nice but a little too much sugar for me >.<. I get a little sick when I take too much sugar. Sick as in not well... not that sick sick... hahaa =P
I guess it was really enjoyable to be out for this dinner haha. Just wanna wish you a Happy Belated Birthday and may you have another wonderful year ahead of you. Although already wished but just wishing again haha =D. Also, thanks again for the invitation and thanks to your dad for treating us all dinner! =)
Logging off,
It's February!!!
Don't the days pass real fast? It still feels like I just finished SPM not long ago... and now it's already February! =O.. and I can't believe I've already known that someone for 1 month plus already... It still feels like I've only known that person for a few weeks lol >.<. What can I say? Time fliesssss... lol..
Hey look good news! Well, for me I guess XP hahahaa... My birthday is coming closer! yayyy =D. I just hope I have a blast. Hehe. And yet again... Time goes by fast... another year has come by... >.<.. I'm older by 1 year already =( lol. Bleh nvm.. I'm still young XD. Come to think of it.. soon it'll be March... >.<.. Aih... Can time slow down? I guess not =/
Hmm.. Chinese New Year is tomorrow =O haha... oh well, the sad thing is that I won't be going back to my hometown... so on the 2nd day of CNY I'll still be at home hahaha... Maybe I'll be going around visiting lor =D. Oh well... but still can't wait for the red packets =DDD hahaha.
I really had a great night last night XP... Maybe have to do more cleaning today >.<... We'll see XD.. I think that's all for this post ahaha.
Peace out,